Monday, December 30, 2019

Use Your Vacation Days to Get Ahead in Your Career -The Muse

Use Your Vacation Days to Get Ahead in Your Career -The MuseUse Your Vacation Days to Get Ahead in Your Career Although a recent FlexJobs survey leides that Millennials care quite a bit about flex time- especially as it relates to their ability to travel and take vacations- its often been said that this same groups reluctant to take any time off at all.Many fear that taking a vacation could result in an annoyed boss, not getting promoted, not getting their work done, or even losing their job More than once, theyve been referred to as workplace martyrs. While their older co-workers are unplugging and recharging, Millennials are leaving vacation time on the table, diligently and determinedly working (and working) to get noticed and get ahead.While its easy to understand why these people think the best way to get ahead is to stay at their desks, theyre actually approaching this all wrong. Not only is it proven that taking time off is good for your overall well-being and mental health, i ts also the key to getting ahead in your career- yes, ahead. Just consider what several career experts I spoke with have to say about thisIt Makes You More MotivatedMuse author and Career Coach Lea McLeod points out that, actually, vacations are necessary for having a great work ethic. She explains that science shows giving your brain a break with time away from work, leaves it mora motivated and productive upon returning to the office.It Gives You Much Needed PerspectiveInstead of thinking that nobody can do your job, and that if youre not there, things wont get done or move forward, consider how much creativity you bring to the board once youve had a chance to recharge. Rajiv Nathan, another Muse Career Coach, notes that when youre muddled in the day-to-day, you may lose sight of what it is youre actually doing. But when you give yourself time to reflect (a.k.a., vacationing), thats when you get a compass on your career, as opposed to your job. Its only when you reflect like this and think of your future that you can get a grip on the direction youre headed.Maybe you discover that youre doing just fine, and you dont need to make any major changes, and thats great. But if you never stop to unwind and relax, you risk stunting yourself and getting stuck in a rut, even if that rut has upward mobility. In the long run, no promotion or raise is going to make your refusal to give yourself a break feel very good. It Puts You on the Promotion TrackAnd speaking on the topic of promotion, while its certainly possible that you could snag one (or both) without ever using your PTO, McLeod makes a case for how youll be better poised for receiving one if you give yourself a chance to hit the refresh button. When you show up after time away, energized and refreshed, McLeod explains, youre ready to take on more. Your perspective and mindset are positive and upbeat, and youll appear more confidently. These qualities are a boon to your success.It Reminds You Whats Important to YouAgain, its the idea that its difficult to see in the moment where youre headed that makes taking time off- and, look, it can be a planned trip or a week off in your hometown- imperative and crucial to your advancement. Muse Coach Kristina Leonardi explains it like this Stepping away to a different location or just from your regular routine (maybe thats breaking from social media and setting an out-of-office reply on work email), allows you to reconnect with whats important to you. Maybe that is the exact job youre doing. Or, maybe you realize that you need to make a small or large change. Time away from the daily grind allows you to gain a broader perspective, which will, in turn, enable you to see more clearly if youre on the right track with both your career and your life, Leonardi stresses.Of course, its totally fine if the vacation leads you to confirm that youre on the right path though. Theres a very good chance youll come back reinvigorated with a newfound enthusiasm for w hat youre doing, Leonardi says. In other words, you dont build character by working nonstop. Remember that the next time you worry about what a vacation will mean for your long-term career path. Taking time off not only wont get you fired- it may instead get you ahead. What more convincing do you need? Photo of man at laptop courtesy of PeopleImages/Getty Images.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to socialize with coworkers if you are not friends

How to socialize with coworkers if you are not friendsHow to socialize with coworkers if you are not friendsFor some of us, socializing with coworkers after work can seem like an unpaid second job we did not sign up to do. Shouldnt it be enough to do ur job and head home?But as many studies have hammered home, networking opportunities can happen outside of regular office hours. If we want to build our cultural capital in the office so that we can get our ideas promoted in the office, we need to be remembered favorably. And that means socializing.But you dont need to be best friends with a coworker to do this. Heres how to do friendly socializing with your coworkers without necessarily becoming friends with themParticipate in team-building events or clubsSocializing does not mean forcing yourself to attend parties and drinking outings that do not suit your personality. In fact, research has found that company mixers are not always the best way to build relationships with unfamiliar co workers, becausepeople at mixers tend to bond with people who are more similar to them.But if your company hosts a team sport or a board game club and you enjoy these activities, go ahead and invite yourself.The power of play is not to be underestimated. Making the workplace a fun space can even make it a more productive one.Psychiatrist Stuart Brown, the founder of the National Institute for Play, found that when employees have the opportunity to play, they actually increase their productivity, engagement, and morale.Get coffee or lunchWhen your colleague asks you to get drinks after work, its understandable to feel hesitant. Men and women are both leery of getting one-on-one drinks and dinners with colleagues after work, acutely aware that a situation could turn sexual, or into a case of sexual harassment, according to a recent survey.So avoid that pressure and do a food and drink activity that is still within work hours and does not involve alcohol. Getting coffee or lunch with y our coworker is a low-stakes way that you can get to know each other better. And research has found that eating together with your coworkers is proven to foster collegial goodwill.Firms can encourage cooperation among coworkers by leveraging the mundane and powerful need to eat, one study examining workers who ate togetherstates.Find what kind of socializing works for youAbove all, recognize that these bonds dont have to be deep to be meaningful. They just mean showing mutual respect and paying attention to each other.One study on workplace relationships found that high-quality connections between colleagues did not have to be intimate to be beneficial - they just need to be mutual and open to listening. Like a healthy blood vessel that connects parts of our body, a high-quality connection between two people allows the transfer of vital nutrients it is flexible, strong, and resilient, the study stated.You know yourself best - learn to socialize on your own terms, whether that mean s being a regular to the weekly happy hour or the coworker who gets one-on-one coffees with new team members.

Friday, December 20, 2019

9 Common Interview Questions (And How To Answer Them Like a Pro)

9 Common Interview Questions (And How To Answer Them Like a Pro)9 Common Interview Questions (And How To Answer Them Like a Pro) Glassdoors Third Annual Compensation Audit Finds No Gender Pay Gap Lets admit it, weve all laid awake the night before an interview frantically trying to read the employers mind. With the number of job applicants who are actively seeking on the rise, being prepared to answer these questions has never been more important. Youve taken the first step and landed the initial meeting, but now what?You can put your mind-reading skills to the test all you want, but theres no way to know exactly what will be asked(Well, unless you do research on Glassdoor )However, there are a few common questions to think about that can help you better prepareIts difficult to think about where you want to be in five years when youre currently trying to figure out where you want to be right now, but its important for interviewers to understand where you want to take your career. Explain what your plans to contribute to the company would be if you were to land the role.Focusing on your efforts to improve yourself over the next five years is a good way to show employers that youre ready to grow with them. Are you willing to put in the time and effort to further your education? How would you implement a plan to be successful?Odd, yes, but this is elend a trick question. Whether youre applying to an entry-level role or an executive position, this question is more about the interviewer gaging your thought process. Its not about a right or wrong. Its about thinking a response out loud, coming to a conclusion and showing how you think critically and solve problems, says HR expert Susan Underwood. A good response would be something like Well, for every CEO, it will be different, but depending on whats most important to business, the bottom line or whats going on that day, thats li kely what the CEO should be checking first, so it will likely vary by day. For me, I would check what is of highest priority first at that given time and respond accordingly.As much as we want to seem perfect when we walk into that conference room, employers know that its just not possible. Its difficult to be put in such a vulnerable position with this question when the process of interviewing already has your nerves in knots. Heres the most important key to answering this question always be honest.Honestly recognizing a fault and showing what steps youve taken to improve upon this weakness demonstrates that you have the ability to look at yourself in a critical manner, fix your mistakes and move forward. Employers will see beyond the weakness youve mentioned and see the important steps youre taking to better yourself.Its easy to get bogged down by this question, wondering what the scenario is and whether you would be required to put on your Olivia Pope white hat to save the day. But this question is often presented by interviewers who want to get a sense of your personality and how you resolve challenges, especially if the company or field youre seeking to work in is high-pressure.The key, according to Underwood, is to know how to juggle multiple tasks and find what needs the most attention first and address it. Walk through a few problem-solving steps that you have taken in your current role and expound upon those. Remember, the worst thing you can do is give a one-word response or say I dont know.This is a common question that can be asked in many different ways. Being prepared with a list of strengths that you want to discuss can have you prepared to answer many forms of What are your strengths? Making this list is most productive when youre aware of what strengths will best fit with this position. Im sure youre a speed demon when it comes to texting, but if youre applying for a heavy machinery position, then it isnt worth bringing your texting game i nto the interview.Once you have an idea of what skills will be beneficial to this position, find strong action verbs to best describe yourself. Give specific examples to show how these strengths have contributed to the growth and well-being of previous companies or how you would implement them in this position.Proceed with caution Dont blurt out the first negative comment about your current manager who you think has it out for you. Its always a good rule to stay positive in an interview, even if you want to tell your current boss to take this job and shove it. What are some reasons for leaving your current job that show youre motivated, goal oriented and interested in bettering yourself?Again, tread lightly with this one. Often times, we are so eager to get a job that well commit to anything, but be sure you can deliver on your promises. Conversely, this question should not deter you from the role. Just because a recruiter or hiring manager asks you whether you would work holida ys and weekends, does not mean youll spend every Saturday night in your cubicle. Use this question as an opportunity to show that youre a team player , willing to fill in when needed, but also dig into what would require employees to work on holidays and weekends. Dont be afraid to be honest if you prefer to not work on certain days for religious reasons, or if you would work holidays but from home. This is the perfect time to dig into the roles requirements and managers expectations.Instead of trying to impress with this kind of unexpected question by saying Rambutan or Dragonfruit, just keep it simple. Choose something that you can provide an explanation for without dying of laughter. Something like A pineapple because I am unique, always stand out and Im sweet on the inside. If youre stumped as to why the hiring manager even posed the question, Underwood offers insight.Glassdoor hears from a variety of employers that challenging interview questions can help them learn more about a job candidate, and in some cases, help them sort through a great candidate versus a good candidate. For instance, if you have three final candidates for a job and all of them are great on paper, how they answer and respond to a tough or challenging question can give the interviewer some added perspective into how they solve unexpected problems, which arise in almost any job at any employer.This is a question where you can show off just how much prep work you put into this interview. Researching a company , job descriptionand employer will help you be able to authentically answer this question. Wanting to join a company because of attributes that werent specifically stated by the employer will show motivation.Just because youve done your research doesnt mean you need to be overly crafty with this response. Just be honest Does this feel like the right step in advancing your career? Do the companys goals and values match yours? Is there a specific connection you have to the posit ion or company?Think of positive reasons that will demonstrate why you feel this is a right fit for you and, in turn, why they should feel youre right for the job.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Guest Services Job Skills

Guest Services Job SkillsImportant Hotel Front Desk/Guest Services Job SkillsDemand for hospitality-related services is growing worldwide. If you have experience in hospitality or possess many transferrable skills, you may be able to build a solid career in guest services. Those working within the hospitality industry need stronginterpersonaland communication skills. They also need to be strong problem solvers. Make sure you know the skills that are required for a job as a guest services employee and highlight those skills when applying for jobs. The front desk position at a gasthof requires many different skills, and the details can vary depending on how the gasthaus is organized and what kind of guests the hotel serves. What Are Guest Service Skills? Hotel front desk employees (also known as guest services employees) are responsible for making sure each guest has a pleasant experience at a hotel. Tasks typically involve checking in and checking out guests, taking reservations, and answering any questions guests may have. You dont need a college degree or any relevant experience to be a hotel front desk employee, although an associates degree in business, administration, or hospitality can help. Some people that are interested in the hospitality industry begin as guest services employees and then move up to supervisory positions. The following are a few types of guest service skills. Communication Communicationis critical for hotel front desk and guest service employees. They speak with guests in person and over the phone all day, so it is important that they speak clearly and maintain a positive tone. GreetingNonverbal CommunicationOral CommunicationPhone EtiquetteFormalityAdherence to Policies and Procedures Composure Because a front desk worker has to multitask and serve many guests at once, a good employee must keep calm under pressure. Even when the hotel is very busy, the employee should be able to juggle a variety of tasks while remaining fr iendly to customers. MultitaskingFlexibilityProfessionalismProfessional AppearanceStress ManagementBearing Computer Literacy Working at the front desk requires usingcomputersto keep records, process payments, and complete other tasks. While you dont need to be an expert in the world oftech, you do need to be computer literate. You must either be already comfortable with the software the hotel uses and be able to learn new software quickly. Central Reservations Systems (CRS)MathematicsMicrosoft OfficePayment Processing Friendliness A front desk employee is typically the first person a guest sees upon entering a hotel. Therefore, front desk workers have to be extremely welcoming. A good guest services employee greets every guest with a smile and kind word. Customer ServiceCourtesyEnthusiasmEnergyGuest RelationsInterpersonalPositivity Organization Front desk employees are always multitasking they must answer phones, greet guests, answer questions, check out customers, and m ore. Beingorganizedallows a front desk worker to juggle these multiple tasks. Attention to DetailEfficiencyPrioritizationTime Management Problem Solving Being a front desk employee means you will be the first person that guests bring their problems to. These problems could be minor, such as a request for restaurant recommendations. They could be major, such as a guest whose reserved room is bedrngnis wheelchair accessible, as they had requested. There could even be unexpected emergencies, such as a guest in a medical crisis. Your job will be toresolve the problemif possible or figure out who to call to get it solved. If you can respond promptly and creatively to these challenges, you can give guests a good experience, and you can earn a good review for your hotel despite a difficult situation. AnalyticalCreativityResolving ComplaintsTroubleshootingCustomer Service Sales While front desk employees are not salespeople, they should be able to promote specific hotel services and offer suggestions. They might also encourage guests to purchase more luxurious and expensive rooms, if their goals and budget would be better served. People in guest services, therefore, need to be comfortable promoting products and services. Communicate Sales and PromotionsPromote Facilities and ServicesRecall Customer ProgramsProvide Information on Hotel ServicesUpselling Teamwork Front desk employees often have towork with others. Sometimes they have to work with other employees at the front desk to handle a difficult problem. Other times, they have to communicate with people in different departments within the hotel- including parking, housekeeping, and management- to ensure that guests are satisfied with their stay. Front desk employees should, therefore, be able to get along and work with a variety of people. IntegrationCollaborationLeadershipTeam Building M?ore Guest Service Skills Written CommunicationConfidenceConciergeSchedulingMemoryPhysical EnduranceResilienceAc tive ListeningPresentationNegotiationMultilingualMobile DevicesEmpathyArticulatingPatienceFocusAgilityQuality AssuranceVersatilityCompassionApproachabilityInitiativeAttentivePeople OrientedCritical ThinkingDiligencePoise How to Make Your Skill Stand Out Add Relevant Skills to Your Resume You can include relevantskill wordsin yourresume. In the description of your work history or yourresume summary, you might also want to use some of these keywords.Highlight Skills in Your Cover Letter In the body of your letter, you can mention one or two of the required skills and give a specific example of a time when you demonstrated each skill in the workplace.Use Skill Words in Your Job Interview Make sure you have at least one example for a time you demonstrated some of your top skills.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to Get Paid in the Music Business

How to Get Paid in the Music BusinessHow to Get Paid in the Music BusinessMaking money in the music industry isnt always as simple as negotiating a salary and waiting for your paycheck to come in. The pay structure of many music industry jobs is based on percentages for one-off deals and freelance-style work, but different music industry careers are paid in different ways. For this reason, the music career you choose will have a big impact on how you make money in the music business. Here, youll find a look at how several common music industry jobs are paid- but remember, as always, that this information is general, and the deal you agree to will dictate your circumstances. Managers Managers receive an agreed-upon percentage of the income from the artists they work with. Sometimes, musicians may pay managers a salary as well this often works like a retainer, ensuring that the manager doesnt work with any other bands. However, this latter scenario really only comes into play when the artists are making a sufficient enough income to support themselves comfortably and legitimately have a need to make sure their manager focuses only on them.Career Profile ManagersManager Contracts Music Promoters Promoters make money on flugschein sales for the gigs they promote. There are two ways this can happenThe promoter takes a percentage of the proceeds from the show after recouping their costs, giving the remaining money to the artists. This is known as a door split deal.The promoter may agree on a fixed payment with the musicians for their performance, and then any money left after costs is theirs to keep.Career Profile Music PromoterPromotion ContractsConcert Promotion CostsMusic Agents Agents take an agreed-upon percentage of the fees for the shows they arrange for musicians. In other words, an agent who negotiates a fee for a band to be paid $500 for a show takes a cut of that $500.Career Profile Music AgentsHow to Book a Gig Record Labels At a very basic level, record labels make money by selling records. Your job at the record label and what type of label you work for will determine what this means for you. If you have your own record label, then you make money by selling enough records to cover your costs and make a profit. If you work for someone elses record label, you will likely get a salary or hourly wage. The size of the label and your role there determines how big that salary/wage will be.Before You Start a Record LabelIndie Label Contracts Music PR Whether radio plugging or conducting press campaigns, music PR companiesare paid on a campaign basis. They negotiate a flat fee for working a release or tour, and that fee usually covers a set amount of time for the company to promote the product/tour. Music PR companies may also get bonuses for successful campaigns and reaching certain thresholds- for instance, a bonus if the album sells a certain number of copies. These agreements are made before the campaign begins.Music PRCareer Profile R adio Plugger Music Journalists Music journalists who work freelance are paid on a per project or contract basis. If they work for a specific publication, they likely receive a salary or hourly wage.Career Profile Music JournalistMusic Producers Record producers may receive a salary if they are tied to a specific senderaum or be paid on a per-project basis if they freelance. Another important part of music producer pay can be points, which allow producers to share in the royalties from the music they produce. Not all producers get points on every project.Career Profile Record ProducerProducer Points Sound Engineers Sound engineers who work independently get paid on a per-project basis- which can be a one-night deal or they may go on the road and do sound for a whole tour, in which case they will be paid for the tour and may also receive per diems (P.D.s). Engineers who work with a particular venue exclusively are likely to receive an hourly wage.Interview Sound Engineer Simon Kasprow iczMusicians What about the musicians themselves? Musicians make money from royalties, advances, playing live, selling merchandise, and licensing fees for their music. Sounds like a lot of revenue streams, but dont forget they often have to share the money with the people listed above.Mechanical RoyaltiesPerformance Rights Royalties There are lots of different ways to make money in the music business, and many of them come down to percentages and contracts. For this reason, everyone needs to be on the same page about how payments will take place. Also, you should always get it in writing.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Whispered Libreoffice Resume Template Secrets

Whispered Libreoffice Resume vorlage Secrets What Everybody Dislikes About Libreoffice Resume vorlage and Why A good resume schablone word will help you do so. Starts the wizard to assist you make an agenda template. The template utilizes a chronological layout which makes it simple to list your employment and education. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for numerous reasons.As a result of the use of the 2 columns, all entries are scannable and extremely apparent. In order to make the perfect resume for yourself, its very important to experience various resume templates word and after that decide which fits your requirements. Youll also pick a password. What Is So Fascinating About Libreoffice Resume Template? There are a lot of moneymaking ideas an individual could follow to earn additional money. You should make certain all the required information is contained in your resume in addition to ensure that your resume has a polished and expert design. When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you require a resume template which you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop. Nearly all businesses marketing supplements involve some sort of analysis which demonstrates their nutritional supplement is just as terrific. A Startling Fact about Libreoffice Resume Template Uncovered Most resume format word file available for free download so make certain not to waste cash with the thought of getting a better choice. The template is also print-ready and you are going to receive a comprehensive PDF help file. It isnt easy to develop a proper format or template in a couple of minutes. Picking the right continue format is important when you want to get the necessary job. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Libreoffice Resume Template Resume for profession is vital on your consideration. Resumes are usually categorized by the fashion in which the info is presented . Chronological resumes are the ideal place to highlight your accomplishments. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Libreoffice Resume Template There are a number of examples of resumes for depositary jobs on the net, also covering almost the complete accounting segment. Basic resumes typically have an extremely classic and classic tone. Youre able to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. With all these applicants for an employer to pick from, it is not enough that your resume matches the work description it must grab their attention. Submit the same resume for every single job. The job will be quite challenging, but exceptionally profitable, too. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Details of Libreoffice Resume Template On a minumum of one of them you will understand that the number used changed. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. The black-and-white version is readily available free of charge. The Fundamentals of Libreoffice Resume Template Revealed Our creative templates enable you to stick out from the crowd. Each zodiac sign has some attributes that are exceptional which you are able to get in the majority of individual owned by a certain sun sign. There are more than merely a couple of pointers which you have to remember and fully adhere to when designing a resume even when youre utilizing a readymade template. There are lots of free resume templates readily available on the web but sometimes it can be quite hard to decide on the best one that is most suited to you. Sometimes all you will need is a traditional style template thats clean, clear and right to the point. Details of Libreoffice Resume Template Bear in mind, as soon as youve finished personalizing your resume, youre not prepared to fill out an application yet. In the event the whole lot suits properly within a web page, do not try to m ake your Libreoffice 5 Resume Templates. There are lots of such on-line sites which help you make a customized resume according to your liking. Again, should you happen to take a look at free resume examples online, you will observe it isnt essential to exceed 1 page.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sourcing Candidates on LinkedIn - Spark Hire

Sourcing Candidates on LinkedIn - Spark HireIts all the rage amongst the HR community. You know what Im talking about finding the best candidates on LinkedInIn order to find and connect with the candidates you are looking for on LinkedIn, you should first make sure you are positioning yourself wisely, staying active and connected, as well as understanding the search functions.Spiff up your ProfileFirst things first. Is your LinkedIn profile completed? In order to be approachable and see a larger return, you need to make sure you have beefed up the information on your profile.Make sure you have your work history listed, along with key responsibilities and achievementsList your education details.Post a photo of yourself.Ask previous managers or candidates you have worked with in the past to write recommendations on your profile.Building Connections and Joining GroupsOnce you have beefed up your profile, you will want to increase your connections and join groups. Think of it as a pyram id. If you connect with Bob, you have the ability to view and connect with Bobs connections. By joining groups, you will have the ability to connect with the members of that group.Begin by searching for people you know or have worked with in the past.Connect with professionals within the industry, sending a short introduction in your connection request.Join industry relatable groups. This will allow you to have communicate with others within that group.Stay active in groups by posting relatable discussions and articles.Achieve Network VisibilityAs with any social media site, you want to stay active on LinkedIn in order to gain greater visibility amongst your network.Share industry related articles and the occasional fun article.Comment on articles and status updates of your connections. This gives you greater visibility to your network and their connections.Post updates on your profile and respond to all comments from others to show that you are paying attention.Keep in contact with your connections by sending the occasional in-mail. For example, I make it a point to send several in-mails to connections around holidays.Utilize Basic and Advanced SearchLinkedIn has basic and advanced search functions. Search capabilities will vary based on the level of account you are using. However, having a larger network will also allow you to search and view more profiles. You can search for various different subjects, encompassing the followingNames, job titles, or companies worked for currently or in the past.Industry experienceSchool attendedZip Code radiusLinkedIn is the professional social media network. In order to be successful at networking on LinkedIn, you simply need to make yourself visible by spiffing up your profile, expanding your connections and joining groups, as well as staying active within your network and utilizing the search functions.If you work the network, it will work for youWhat are some ways you have had success with sourcing on LinkedIn? Please s hare your experiences and tips below in the comments